Help on package music21: NAME music21 - The music21 Framework is Copyright © 2006-2022 Michael Scott Asato Cuthbert. DESCRIPTION Some Rights Reserved Released under the BSD (3-clause) license. See license.txt. See license.txt file for the full license which represents your legal obligations in using, modifying, or distributing music21. Roughly speaking, this means that anyone can use this software for free, they can distribute it to anyone, so long as this acknowledgment of copyright and ownership remain publicly accessible. You may also modify this software or use it in your own programs so long as you do so long as you make your product available under the same license. You may also link to this code as a library from your sold, proprietary commercial product so long as this code remains open and accessible, this license is made accessible, and the developers are credited. The development of music21 was supported by grants from the Seaver Institute and the NEH/Digging into Data Challenge, with the support of the MIT Music and Theater Arts section and the School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences. Portions of music21 were originally part of the PMusic (Perl) library, developed by Cuthbert prior to arriving at MIT. music21 outputs a subset of XML data defined by the MusicXML 4.0 standard, Copyright © 2004-2022 the Contributors to the MusicXML Specification. The corpus files have copyrights retained by their owners who have allowed them to be included with music21. PACKAGE CONTENTS _version abcFormat (package) alpha (package) analysis (package) articulations audioSearch (package) bar base beam braille (package) capella (package) chord (package) clef common (package) configure converter (package) corpus (package) defaults derivation duration dynamics editorial environment exceptions21 expressions features (package) figuredBass (package) freezeThaw graph (package) harmony humdrum (package) instrument interval ipython21 (package) key languageExcerpts (package) layout lily (package) mei (package) metadata (package) meter (package) midi (package) musedata (package) musicxml (package) note noteworthy (package) omr (package) percussion pitch prebase repeat roman romanText (package) scale (package) search (package) serial sieve sites sorting spanner stream (package) style tablature tempo test (package) text tie tinyNotation tree (package) variant vexflow (package) voiceLeading volpiano volume FUNCTIONS mainTest(*testClasses, **keywords) Takes as its arguments modules (or a string 'noDocTest' or 'verbose') and runs all of these modules through a unittest suite Unless 'noDocTest' is passed as a module, a docTest is also performed on `__main__`, hence the name "mainTest". If 'moduleRelative' (a string) is passed as a module, then global variables are preserved. Run example (put at end of your modules): :: import unittest class Test(unittest.TestCase): def testHello(self): hello = 'Hello' self.assertEqual('Hello', hello) import music21 if __name__ == '__main__': music21.mainTest(Test) This module tries to fix up some differences between python2 and python3 so that the same doctests can work. These differences can now be removed, but I cannot remember what they are! DATA __all__ = ['mainTest', 'prebase', 'base', 'sites', 'abcFormat', 'alpha... VERSION 8.3.0 FILE c:\users\christian\appdata\local\packages\pythonsoftwarefoundation.python.3.9_qbz5n2kfra8p0\localcache\local-packages\python39\site-packages\music21\